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Training and Consultation for Businesses

"Persons with disabilities present business and industry with unique opportunities in labor-force diversity and corporate culture, and they're a large consumer market eager to know which businesses authentically support their goals and dreams. Leading companies are accelerating disability inclusion as the next frontier of corporate social responsibility and mission-driven investing." ~ Ted Kennedy, Jr.

Unfortunately, this is new territory for many companies and they could benefit from guidance on developing best practices. Often companies have a lack of understanding about the scope of talent available, the potential benefits, and misconceptions about the cost versus the return on investment for disability inclusion.

MY PATH's consultants specialize in helping businesses employ, enable, engage, and empower those with disabilities. With advanced training such as Autism Certification, and years of experience serving those with disabilities, MY PATH is uniquely qualified to help you design a more inclusive workplace that capitalizes on a relatively untapped talent pool.

Some Statistics

In 2018 Accenture conducted a research study and identified 45 companies as "disability inclusion champions." These companies had exceptional leadership in the areas of disability employment and inclusion. On average, these champion organizations achieved

  • 30% higher profit margins

  • 200% higher net income

  • 72% higher productivity

The study also revealed that organizations that improved their inclusion of people with disabilities were four times more likely to have their total shareholder returns outperform those of their peer group.

MY PATH Partnership Opportunities for Community Businesses

Are you ready to learn more? Schedule a FREE, Initial Consultation and Q & A session today to explore what it would be like to work with MY PATH!