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Pricing and Payment Options


Pricing for MY PATH's services is dependent upon your goals and action plan. Packages are typically billed monthly and paid after you complete the Intake Process. Package pricing adjusts based upon the number of meetings per month, what you are trying to accomplish, and the steps needed to achieve your goals. Ultimately, we want to work with individuals who have a strong desire to succeed. If cost is a concern, let's have a conversation about what you are looking for and what MY PATH can do to help accomplish your goals.

Payment Options

Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS)

Many of My Path's clients are referred to us by Vocational Rehabilitation Services and a lot of our clients' services are paid for through their funding. If you are not already working with VRS, My Path can help. Simply reach out to MY PATH for a FREE initial consultation and we will help you coordinate with VRS. When working through VRS, many of the service decisions eligible for funding are decided upon between you and VRS.

Click the button to see VRS-Eligible Services and Information

Community Directed Community Supports (CDCS) Waivers

CDCS Waivers were designed to give you more choice and reponsibility for your supports and services. This funding allows you to choose or design the supports and services that best fit your needs, delivered on your timetable by those you want to assist you. If you are enrolled in the Alternative Care (AC), Brain Injury (BI) Waiver, Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver, Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals (CADI) Waiver, Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver, Elderly Waiver (EW), or the Minnesota Senior Health Optioins (MSHO) then you may qualify for a CDCS Waiver. If you don't already have a CDCS Waiver, MY PATH is happy to help you learn more about CDCS Waivers during your FREE Initial Consultation. All service and packages are available to you if you have a CDCS Waiver.

Private Payments

If you don't qualify for VRS Services or a CDCS Waiver, MY PATH is happy to set up a private payment plan for you. Simply discuss your payment options during your FREE Initial Consultation. All services and packages are available to you.

Are you ready to learn more? Schedule a FREE, Initial Consultation and Q & A session today to explore what it would be like to work with MY PATH!